Saturday, May 28, 2011

Half Way Through: May 2011

It is impossible to realize that two years of pharmacy school are behind me, with two more to go.  We really have only one year left of the didactic course work and then a full year of rotations before graduation in May, 2013.  Once I graduate in 2013 I can sit for the NAPLEX pharmacy board certifying exams, and then obtain my state right n license to practice pharmacy.  These last steps seem very far off to me right now, however, considering how quickly the past two years have screamed by, I think they will be here before I know it.

The classes have been a LOT of work and often very trying.  Overall, I feel I am obtaining lots of pertinent and interesting information for my future, and it still seems, at this point, very piece meal.  I am hoping that the P3 year pulls it together with all of the pharmacology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacokinetics, dosage forms, pharmaceutics, and the myriad other classes our class is making its way through.  Through the process I am learning lots of self-acceptance, and continuing to let go of whatever perfectionism might remain from past programs. Over the last two semesters I've sacrificed some A's in order to try to pull C's up to B's.  B is for Balance, I say.  I know the program is not about the grades, for the most part (unless I want to be competitive for residencies after graduation).  I do always want to perform the best I am able, and with seven courses, that is difficult for me to do  most of the time.  I am glad that I survived the P2 year in pretty good shape, grade-wise and everything else-wise, and have most of the entire summer to rest and recover before plunging into more intense schoolwork.  

It's funny how we kept hearing how the P2 year is the most difficult year, and this year we heard that it's the most difficult year until we get to the P3 year.  I know I will make it, but I feel if the program were any longer, or any more difficult, I would be completely second-guessing this decision.

It was three years ago,  in 2008, that I set this whole back-to-school PharmD thing in motion.  I'm glad I did, and I'm happy with the choices I've made along the way, including the program of study and school in which to study.  I had several options presented to me in 2009, in terms of where I could attend school and how, and I love the story of how it all fell into place with the right timing. 

It still feels as though obtaining a PharmD is a wise career decision, and I know that the path I take with it once I've graduated will be clear when I get there.  I know I have been Divinely led to this program, and am being Divinely led through it.  For now, I am enjoying the process as much as I can, continuing to find as much balance a I can through it.  The past year has been  a blur, well, actually the last two years have been a blur, and nothing specific comes to mind to blog about, so, for now I will let the year rest.  Some new and exciting career ideas are presented in my last blog from earlier today.

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